

  • 250 g/L prothioconazole
  • 90 g/L metconazole


EC - emulsifiable concentrate

Very broad-spectrum systemic fungicide for strong control of stem-base, foliar and ear disease in cereals, for Sclerotinia control in winter oilseed rape and for Cercospora and rust control in sugar beet.

Key Strenghts

  • Robust preventive and curative activity against numerous fungal pathogens.
  • Very effective in all cereal crops against i.a. Fusarium spp., Septoria spp., Puccinia spp., Blumeria graminis and Rynchosporium.
  • Powerful and comprehensive autumn and spring oilseed rape fungicide, controlling Sclerotinia while also giving excellent protection against Phoma. Good growth control in autumn.
  • New market reference in sugar beet, controlling all key diseases. Introducing prothioconazole and metconazole as new resistance breakers in beet crops.
  • Regular and long-lasting translaminar and acropetal distribution, ensuring broad fungicidal protection for several weeks.

Für länderspezifische Informationen zur Zulassung und zum Etikett dieses Produkts verweisen wir auf die Datenbank der in Ihrem Land zugelassenen Pflanzenschutzmittel.